The program will include 4 tutorials scheduled on Monday, September 07.
Morning Session (incl. coffee break) - Registration opens at 8:15
1: Stochastic Network Calculus: From Theory to Applications (09:00-13:00)
Jorg Liebeherr
2: Adaptive Media Streaming and Quality of Experience Evaluations using Crowdsourcing (09:00-13:00)
Christian Timmerer and Tobias Hossfeld
Afternoon Session (incl. coffee break)- Registration opens at 13:30
3: Complex Networks and their Analysis with Random Walks (14:00-18:00)
Daniel Figueiredo and Konstantin Avrachenkov
4: Communications Security and Privacy of Smart Grid and Microgrid Optimization: A Conjoint Perspective (14:00-18:00)
Suleyman Uludag and Bulent Tavli