Welcome to SAN 2012
Workshop Program: https://archive.itc-conference.org/itc24/workshop-program/#workshop-program-san
The 1st International Workshop on Self-managing and Autonomous Networks (SAN 2012) will be held on September 3rd 2012 in Kraków, Poland. SAN 2012 is co-located with The 24th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC24 www.itc24.net/).
Network Virtualization is attracting a wide attention from the future network research communities. Virtual network providers adaptively lease the resources from physical network providers. They are independent entities may contend the same resource in some cases. It is desirable that virtual network providers independently employ management and control methods.
In the past several years, there has been a renewed worldwide interest in new network architectures inspired by nature phenomena such as self-organization and swarm intelligence, leading to early-stage research activity in the network management area. The area of self-* concept such as “self-organization”, “self-optimization”, “self-management”, and “self-configuration” is receiving renewed interest with the recent technical advances. The objective of the activity is to redesign the current network management to improve robustness, automaticity, extensibility and usability. There have been clear and urgent needs for interdisciplinary activity, which is the incorporation of self- principles into virtual network control/management. Controlled self-* is a promising mechanism for providing efficient, stable, and responsive virtual networks.
Reconfigurable/programmable network architecture is a key enabler for virtual networks. There is a growing interest in developing protocols and architectures such as Openflow, Path Computation Element (PCE), and Virtual Network Manager (VNTM). Those protocols and architectures are applied in both packet and optical networks. It is crucial to investigate how the controlled self-* paradigm is implemented exploring possible extensions to those protocols and architectures.
The SAN workshop is uniquely structured to bring together researchers, scientists and engineers working in self-managing and autonomous networks to provide a forum for discussion and development of appropriate technologies through synergy and interaction between these areas identified as "Self-* and autonomic networks ".
Topics of Interest
The workshop seeks original papers in the following areas that serve as basis for Self-managing and Autonomous Networks (SAN). Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Self-* (organization, adaptation, optimization, management, and configuration) networks
- Bio-inspired network architecture
- Centralized control versus distributed peer-to-peer based control
- Observer-controller architecture for controlled self-*
- Network virtualization, Overlay network, Reconfigurable/Programmable network architecture
- Tools, testbeds and deployment issues
- Economic and energy-efficiency aspects
- Network provider incentives and bandwidth allocation policies
- Cross-layer adaptation and coordination mechanisms
- Network federations
For the regular paper track (Category 1), we invite submissions of regular technical papers, position papers, and case studies relevant to the workshop. The regular track includes, but not limited to, the fundamental principles, theory, models, methods and design strategies in self-* networks or biological systems to leverage those understandings to build robust and efficient systems. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
A special WiP and industry track (Category 2) is available for Work-in-Progress papers which contribute new and on-going challenges, requirements and applications from self-* or biological systems in the testbed network and industry. We especially encourage contributions from network operators, vendors, practitioners, testbed experimenters, and national research project members (e.g., FP7, GENI and NWGN, etc.) of self-managing, bio-inspired, and autonomic networks in order to gain insight into the various requirements from different sectors.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 4 May, 2012 (extended to 18 May)
Author notification: 8 June, 2012
Camera ready due date: 25 June, 2012
Author registration: 25 June, 2012
Workshop date: 3 September, 2012
Paper Submissions and Registration
Authors are invited to submit extended abstract papers describing original, previously unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing a novel aspect of the topic. All papers will be peer-reviewed, accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings.
The extended abstract may be no longer than 3 pages. Papers are primarily intended for work in progress or contributions on recent trends and issues. They should be provide a succinct summary of the author's contribution.
Authors should prepare a PDF version of their extended abstract paper not exceeding 3 double-column pages in IEEE conference format with a font size not smaller than 10 points. Please submit the full paper for consideration to this workshop via EDAS: http://edas.info/N12571
The paper must be prepared on A4-size page, typed single-spaced and double-columned. The title of the paper, author's name, affiliation, complete return address and country must appear at the top of the first page, followed by a 50-word abstract. It is recommended to use the IEEE template.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed and will be assessed on the basis of novelty and relevance to the conference themes. In case of an acceptance, the final camera-ready version has to take into account comments of reviewers. Final versions of accepted papers must be submitted on EDAS for inclusion in the conference USB proceedings, and final papers must not exceed 6 pages.
Submission implies that, if accepted, the author(s) agree to publish in the proceedings and also that an author of the paper will register and present it at the workshop before the deadline. The registration and payment issues will be managed by the organization of ITC 2012. The speaker registration deadline of the workshop is set to June 29, 2012. Additional registration information can be available at ITC 24 Web site: https://archive.itc-conference.org/itc24/
Copyright and Proceedings
Although all the papers accepted in the main conference of the ITC24 are uploaded to IEEE Xplore, camera-ready papers of the workshop are not uploaded there. However, the authors can continue to hold the copyrights of the final papers. Furthermore, the final papers will be included in the USB proceedings of ITC 24 and distributed to participants at the venue.
General Chair:
Prof. Masayuki Murata, Osaka University, Japan
TPC Co-chairs:
Kohei Shiomoto, NTT Labs, Japan
Slawomir Kuklinski, Telekomunikacja Polska, Poland
David Hausheer, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Eiji Oki, UEC, Japan
Shin’ichi Arakawa, Osaka University, Japan
Zwi Altman, Orange Labs, France
Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Waterford Institute of Technology Waterford, Ireland
Marcus Brunner, Swisscom, Switzerland
Ranganai Chaparadza, IPv6 Forum, ETSI AFI, Germany
Christian Destré, Orange Labs, France
Alex Galis, University College London, UK
Brian Lee, Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Ireland
Kenji Leibnitz, NICT, Japan
Ramin Sadre , The University of Twente , the Netherlands
Hideyuki Shimonishi, NEC, Japan
Kurt Tutschku, University of Vienna, Austria
Naoki Wakamiya, Osaka University, Japan
Takashi Miyamura (NTT, Japan)
Contact Address
SAN 2012 Secretary: san2012-contact [at] lab.ntt.co.jp