Call for ITC 30 Workshop Proposals
The ITC 30 Chairs and the organizing committee of the ITC 30 invite proposals for the workshops to be held on 3 or 7 in Vienna, Austria, in conjunction with the main technical program of the ITC 30 conference.
The researchers and practitioners interested in organizing the workshops are invited to submit workshop proposals. The purpose of the ITC 30 workshops is to provide participants with an international forum and opportunity to discuss novel research ideas and challenges in a wide range of networked systems.
Workshop Proposal Submission Guidelines
To propose a workshop in conjunction with ITC 30, please submit a workshop proposal including the following information:
- Workshop scope and content
- Title of the workshop
- Motivation and rationale for the workshop (max. 10 lines).
- Introduction of the technical issues that the workshop will address (max. 10 lines).
- Draft Call for Papers (CFP) including the specific topics of interests; the CfP should be as complete as possible.
- Workshop organizer information
- Names and affiliations of main organizers; detailed contact information of the workshop organizers
- One paragraph about each organizer's biography, background and relation to ITC
- One paragraph about experience on conference/workshop organization
- Workshop organization
- The workshop organizers should decide whether they want to publish the workshop proceedings as part of the ITC proceedings.
- Important anticipated deadlines of the workshop, taking into account the ITC 30 deadlines for camera ready papers and workshop date
- Please indicate whether prospective TPC members have been contacted, and whether they have accepted the invitation.
- Workshop format, including expected duration (half or full day), expected number of presented papers, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, etc.
- If appropriate, the financial support the workshop intends to receive from a third-party.
- Workshop papers and participants
- Expected number of participants and the expected number of submissions (if appropriate).
- Prior history of this workshop, if any, including number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and attendee count.
- A list of people whom you have solicited (or plan to solicit) to participate at the workshop. Please indicate how you intend to encourage participation at the workshop.
- One paragraph describing on how you will advertise and distribute to attract more papers for your workshop.
- A list of 10 potential authors who have agreed to submit a paper including a tentative title.
Further Information
If workshop organizers decide to publish the workshop papers in the ITC proceedings:
- Submitted papers must be original work, not under review at other journals/conferences, and may comprise of a maximum of 6 A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) pages in 2-column IEEE conference style with a minimum font size of 10 pt. Papers should be submitted electronically using the EDAS online submission system. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
- Submitted papers are single-blind reviewed. All workshop papers must be reviewed by at least 3 TPC members.
- Acceptance rate of workshop papers must be < 50%.
- Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Workshop papers must be at least 3 pages long and at most 6 pages.
- EDAS submission system will be set up by the ITC 30 organizers for the workshops.
- ITC 30 publication chairs will take care of workshop publications.
- ITC 30 publicity chairs will help to disseminate the CfP to mailing lists.
Important Dates for the Call for Workshop Proposals
Workshop proposals deadline: December 8, 2017
Notification of proposal decision: December 31, 2017
Workshop date: September 3 or September 7, 2018
Workshop Contacts
All workshop proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the ITC 30 Workshop Chairs.
Chiara Buratti, University of Bologna, Italy (
Poul E. Heegaard, NTNU Trondheim, Norway (