ITC is the first international conference in networking science & practice. In 1955, ITC was founded by enthusiastic scientists and engineers willing to deploy networks in a holistic way. It served as a forum for all theoretical fundamentals and engineering practices for large-scale deployment and operation of telecommunications networks. For long time, ITC was the sole venue that brought together at large scale researchers from industry, network operators and service providers, as well as scientists from academia. These groups are the three strong traditional roots of ITC.
Since its inception, ITC witnessed the evolution of communications and networking: the influence of computer science on telecommunication, the advent of the Internet and the massive deployment of mobile communications and optics, the appearance of peer-to-peer networking and social networks, the ever increasing speed and flexibility of new communication technologies, networks, user devices, and applications, and the ever changing operation challenges arising from this development. ITC documented this evolution with contemporary measurement studies, performance analyses of new technologies, recommendations for provisioning and configuration, and greatly contributed to the methodological toolbox of network scientists.
The rootedness on solid methodological ground allowed ITC to adapt its technological focus without losing identity. Also today, ITC remains a wide and lively community of researchers and practitioners dedicated to push back the limits of knowledge in the area of networking. As such, ITC is regularly organizing events like congresses, specialist seminars and workshops to gather experts and to discuss latest changes in design, modelling, and performance evaluation of communication systems, networks, and services.
More information about the ITC can be found here